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Merge Droppers Script New

This campaign lures the victim into believing that they are installing a legitimate application for successful execution. The malicious dropper contains a legitimate version of the software and executes it to give the illusion of a properly behaving application. It then relies on a number of shell scripts to configure and orchestrate its mining operations. The following analysis was performed on a binary that drops and executes a copy of Apple Logic Pro X (bfa9f7b8014efab4143fb2a77732257144f3b804ee757fb41c9971b715da53d7).

Merge Droppers Script New

The original dropper process continues to execute in order to orchestrate the mining operations. It relies on two additional scripts to configure the I2P network tooling and download the XMRig mining software.

The script first deletes itself from the disk. This is done to evade detection but also to open up the opportunity to reuse the same randomly generated filename for the actual i2pd binary. The i2pd binary is stored within the script as a large, inline Base64-encoded variable. This value is decoded and the output is written to an additional file (/tmp/._[a-zA-Z]8). This file is read and unarchived to the original file path of the I2P dropper script. The script pads the resulting Mach-O with a random number of \x00 bytes. The padded i2pd Mach-O file is executed via a call to

Note that $0 will resolve the first argument of the current process. This is the file path of the I2P dropper script, which was replaced with the padded i2pd Mach-O file. The exec call will execute the binary and modify the process name to the mdworker_shared file path. After the process executes, the I2P dropper script removes the i2pd Mach-O file from the disk.

XMRig is an open source CPU/GPU miner that supports numerous protocols.The dropper generates and executes a script to download, configure and execute a copy of a XMRig miner. An example of the script can be found in the Appendix. The script is executed as a command line argument passed into a /bin/sh -c [scriptcontent] subprocess.

This script is executed by the Mach-O dropper before the I2P Dropper script, but its first step is to sit in a loop and wait for the creation of the /tmp/i2pd directory. This directory is generated during the execution of the I2P Dropper script. After this file is detected, the XMRig downloader starts a second I2P Daemon process and saves the new pid to /tmp/i2pd. The script then removes any files that conflict with its randomly generated paths.

Even though the scripts produce many on-disk artifacts, the dropper and scripts are quick to remove them as soon as they are executed or used. The i2pd and XMRig binaries are padded with a random number of zero bytes to change its hash and expand its size. They also both use CoreServices framework binaries as the execution name. This is so that it can blend in within process tree/process viewers.

- [Narrator] There are a lot of scripts out there that will take a long document and split them into smaller documents; but until now, there have been no scripts that will take multiple InDesign documents and merge them into one. That's what I'm going to show you in this tip, and I will show you where you can download it from too; it's a free script. Typically, you might want to run this on a book file that is made up of multiple chapters, because you want one long InDesign file that is the entire book; but you might also have a collection of documents that you want to merge into one InDesign document. You know, lots of other reasons: one, you might want to merge files together. It is of course possible to do so manually. Here we are looking at multiple chapters having to do with this small book, A Brief History of San Francisco, and I could open up the cover and front matter file, which is about five or six pages long; and also the intro, which is also quite short; and then I could drag these pages over here, or I could use the Move Pages command, and so on. But if you have a book with 20 or 30 chapters, that is a lot of work. That's why I was so thrilled to hear about this script. Here's how it works. First of all, you need to download the script; and you can download it from . Go to Resources, Plug-ins and Scripts, and there will be a section here that I'm going to add called From Videos, and I will include the script here. Now the script was written by a guy who's not a professional scripter; just a nice gentleman named Michael Zaichenko who chimed in on a thread in one of our forums where somebody asked, did they have a huge folder with many files that they need to merge into one document. Nobody knew of any script until Michael said "I have a better version of a script," and I asked him if I could distribute it and show it in this video, and he said "Sure." So I already have it installed; you're going to download it and install it from our website, and we have instructions about how to install scripts there in InDesign, and the script is called MergeFiles-2016.jsxbin ; and it works not just on book files, but also folders full of files. But let's go ahead and close this up. You don't need to close the documents, but I like to keep things nice and clear. All right, so we have an active book file here; I'm going to double-click on the script, which is how you run it, and you can see that it will work on All opened documents that you currently have open in InDesign; so you didn't really have to close those documents, but I get confused when there's lots of documents open and it's creating a new document. The Active book documents, which is what I'm going to run here, or All documents in a folder, Including subfolders; and if I chose that, I'd get the pop-up menu saying where's the folder full of documents. So if you want to merge disparate group of documents together, no need to assemble them in a book first; just get them all into the same folder. I'm going to click Cancel; I know no folder's selected. And I'll say Active book documents, and it automatically sucks this in. Now Michael says that his script; as I said, he's not a professional scripter. There might be some glitches that you'd encounter, but you can always e-mail him via that topic on the forum. One of them is that it doesn't rename master pages automatically, so it uses the very first document as the source, or the style; so it's going to be using this one as the source. The other option, he said, was to automatically rename all master pages as you combine them into one document, which you might end up with a document with 400 master pages. So just be aware of that, that if you have two different documents, both with A-hyphen-Master, but they look quite different, they are going to look the same; the second one's going to look like the first one after you merge them, so you might want to rename the master pages before you do this. I don't have to worry about it, because I've already taken care of that in my book file. Anyway, also, you can select this and you can use the up and down arrow key to move them in different order. I'm tapping the Up arrow key on my keyboard. That's about it; those are the only instruction that he has. And we'll just go ahead and click OK, and then you wait. There's no progress bar, I noticed, so you just have to sort of hang on. See, a page has come up; there's no bing when it's over. And while I think it might be over, let's take a look at the Pages panel. Yeah, there we go; 30 pages. It looks like it re-numbered the last chapter. I'm not sure why, 'cause this used to be 29 and 30; but those things you can fix. So take a look; isn't that beautiful? It did a fantastic job. It is one document for the entire book. Now I have found sometimes, when I've been testing this, that sometimes you'll end up with split pages; like you'll have a left-facing page here, and no right-facing page, and the next spread is just a right-facing page. But you can always select them and use our friend Allow Selected Spread to Shuffle. You can turn that off to drag and drop them yourself to merge them back into two-page spreads. But in this document, it did a perfect job; it probably knew that I was recording, and so it behaved well. Thank you so much, Michael! This saves many people many hours of work; this is fantastic, and I hope you guys enjoy it too.

This initiates the second stage of the infection chain, downloading the dropper updatescript.bat through the PowerShell cmdlet Invoke-WebRequest, from hxxps:// The dropper then executes the third stage with the command cmd /c updatescript.bat.

The tim.bat file is a very short script that downloads the final ZLoader DLL payload with the name tim.dll from the URL hxxps:// and executes it through the LOLBAS command regsvr32 tim.dll. This allows the attackers to proxy the execution of the DLL through a signed binary by Microsoft.

This dropper downloads the script nsudo.bat from hxxps:// and runs asynchronously in parallel with the execution of tim.dll. The script aims to further impair defenses of the machine.

This part of the script implements an auto elevation VBScript that aims to run an elevated process in order to make system changes. The snippet of the script in charge of the UACPrompt feature is as follows:

The script downloads the file autorun100.bat from and places it in the startup folder %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. This script ensures that the WinDefend service is deleted at the next boot through the utility NSudo.

In order to have these changes take effect, the computer is forced to restart. The nsudo.bat script does this with shutdown.exe /r /f /t 00. At this point, the attack chain of the script nsudo.bat is complete.

In the era of interconnectivity, when markets, geographies, and jurisdictions merge in the melting pot of the digital domain, the perils of the threat ecosystem become unparalleled. Crimeware families achieve an unparalleled level of technical sophistication, APT groups are competing in fully-fledged cyber warfare, while once decentralized and scattered threat actors are forming adamant alliances of operating as elite corporate espionage teams. 041b061a72


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